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Install WordPress on Docker

Follow these steps:

  1. Pull the WordPress Docker Image

Pull the official WordPress Docker image from Docker Hub:

docker pull wordpress
  1. Create a Network for the Containers

Create a Docker network to allow the WordPress and MySQL containers to communicate:

docker network create wordpress-net
  1. Run the MySQL Container

Run a MySQL container and join it to the network:

docker run -d --name mysql --network wordpress-net -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root_password -e MYSQL_DATABASE=wordpress mysql

Replace root_password with a secure password.

  1. Run the WordPress Container

Run the WordPress container and link it to the MySQL container. Also map port 80 to access WordPress:

docker run -d --name wordpress --network wordpress-net -p 80:80 -e WORDPRESS_DB_HOST=mysql -e WORDPRESS_DB_USER=root -e WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD=root_password -e WORDPRESS_DB_NAME=wordpress wordpress

Replace root_password with the password you set for MySQL.

  1. Access WordPress

Open your web browser and visit http://localhost or http://your_server_ip. You should see the WordPress setup page.[1][5]

After completing the setup, WordPress will be installed and running in the Docker container.

Some additional tips:

  • Use Docker volumes to persist WordPress data by adding -v wordpress-data:/var/www/html to the docker run command for WordPress.[1][5]
  • For better performance, you can use an official MySQL image instead of the bundled MySQL in the WordPress image.[5]
  • Use Docker Compose to define and run the WordPress setup with a single command.[5]

The official WordPress Docker image from Docker Hub makes it easy to get WordPress up and running quickly in an isolated Docker environment.[1][5]



Bill is a passionate network engineer who loves to share his knowledge and experience with others. He writes engaging blog posts for, where he covers topics such as home and small business networking, electronic gadgets, and tips and tricks to optimize performance and productivity. Bill enjoys learning new things and keeping up with the latest trends and innovations in the field of technology.

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