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Create an application to obtain your API keys

Creating an application to obtain your eBay API keys (App ID, Cert ID, and Dev ID) involves registering as a developer on eBay’s developer program website. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do this:

Register for an eBay Developer Account

    • Go to the eBay Developers Program website:
    • Click on “Sign In” in the top right corner
    • If you don’t have an account, click on “Create an account”
    • Fill in the required information and complete the registration process

    Create a New Application

      • Once logged in, go to your account dashboard
      • Look for a section called “My Account” or “Applications”
      • Click on “Create a New Application” or a similar option

      Fill in Application Details

        • Provide a name for your application
        • Select the eBay environments you want to use (Production and/or Sandbox)
        • Choose the API packages you need (e.g., Trading API, Finding API)

        Generate Keys

          • After creating the application, eBay will generate the following keys for you:
            • App ID (also called Client ID)
            • Dev ID
            • Cert ID

          View and Copy Your Keys

            • Once generated, you should be able to view your keys on the application details page
            • Copy these keys and store them securely. You’ll need them to authenticate your API requests

            Here’s a simple Python script that simulates this process and generates placeholder keys for demonstration purposes:

            import uuid
            import hashlib
            class EbayDevAccount:
                def __init__(self, username, password):
                    self.username = username
                    self.password = self._hash_password(password)
                    self.applications = {}
                def _hash_password(self, password):
                    return hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).hexdigest()
                def create_application(self, app_name):
                    app_id = f"APP-{uuid.uuid4().hex[:16]}"
                    dev_id = f"DEV-{uuid.uuid4().hex[:16]}"
                    cert_id = f"CERT-{uuid.uuid4().hex[:32]}"
                    self.applications[app_name] = {
                        "App ID": app_id,
                        "Dev ID": dev_id,
                        "Cert ID": cert_id
                    print(f"Application '{app_name}' created successfully!")
                def view_application_keys(self, app_name):
                    if app_name in self.applications:
                        print(f"\nKeys for application '{app_name}':")
                        for key, value in self.applications[app_name].items():
                            print(f"{key}: {value}")
                        print(f"Application '{app_name}' not found.")
            def main():
                print("Welcome to the eBay Developer Program Simulator")
                username = input("Enter your username: ")
                password = input("Enter your password: ")
                account = EbayDevAccount(username, password)
                print("\nAccount created successfully!")
                while True:
                    print("\n1. Create a new application")
                    print("2. View application keys")
                    print("3. Exit")
                    choice = input("Enter your choice (1-3): ")
                    if choice == '1':
                        app_name = input("Enter a name for your application: ")
                    elif choice == '2':
                        app_name = input("Enter the name of the application: ")
                    elif choice == '3':
                        print("Thank you for using the eBay Developer Program Simulator. Goodbye!")
                        print("Invalid choice. Please try again.")
            if __name__ == "__main__":

            This script simulates the process of creating an eBay developer account and generating API keys. Here’s what it does:

            1. It creates a simulated eBay developer account with a username and password.
            2. It allows you to create multiple applications, each with its own set of keys.
            3. You can view the keys for each application you create.

            Remember, this is just a simulation. In reality, you would need to go through eBay’s official developer program website to obtain real API keys. The keys generated by this script are not valid for actual eBay API use.


            Bill is a passionate network engineer who loves to share his knowledge and experience with others. He writes engaging blog posts for, where he covers topics such as home and small business networking, electronic gadgets, and tips and tricks to optimize performance and productivity. Bill enjoys learning new things and keeping up with the latest trends and innovations in the field of technology.

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